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Ionizing Radiation

Ionizing radiation is a form of energy that is powerful enough to remove electrons from atoms. Radiation has two primary effects on electronics: 1) single event effects  2) total ionizing does effects Single events are caused by highly energetic particles and can causes analog circuits to have voltage spikes and digital circuits to have bit flips, e.g. turning a 0 to a 1 or vise-vera.  A total ionizing dose in an electronic system is result of an accumulation of ionizing radiation. The dose rate measures the total time a circuit can be exposed to ionizing radiation and still function. Ionizing radiation creates electron-hole pairs, changing the semi conductive properties of transistors, and eventually destroying them.  At SOE we most often encounter the need to mitigate or account for ionizing radiation's effects in space and medical applications, which require radiation tolerance and hardening. 

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